TD-2700F-X Series Specifications

Sensor Specifications

Frequency 433.92 Mhz
Pressure Range 0-180 PSI

Pressure: ± 3 PSI - Temperature: ± 2 Deg °C

Operating Voltage 3V (CR1632 Replaceable Battery)
Operating Temperature -40 to 125 Deg °C
Operating Humidity 100%
Battery Life Approx. 12 Months
Dimensions 20.5mm Diameter / 20mm height
Weight 10g (±1) / 13g (±1) inc battery


Monitor / Receiver Specifications

Frequency 433.92 Mhz
Operating Voltage 12V/24V DC (via supplied cig. plug cable)
Max. Power Consumption 48.2mA(12V) / 25.6mA(24V)
Operating Temperature -20 to 70 Deg °C
Dimensions 102mm(W) x 72mm(H) x 29mm(D)
LCD Screen Size 70mm(W) x 38mm(H)
Weight 143 g
Monitor Cig Plug harness length 3m


Relay Specifications

Frequency 433.92 Mhz
Operating Voltage 12V/24V DC (via supplied cable) or 4 x AA Batteries
Max. Power Consumption 33.1mA(12V) / 17.21mA(24V) 
Battery Life Approx. 12 Months
Operating Temperature -40 to 85 Deg °C
Operating Humidity 100%
Dimensions 105mm(L) x 85mm(H) x 50mm(D)
Weight 200g
Relay Hardwire harness length 2m



Warranty 2 Years